Instagram is testing tools to make it easier for creators to find sponsors

Instagram is testing tools to make it easier for creators to find sponsors

Instagram is testing a new tool to make it easier for the creator to get money through its services. This application is now testing an affiliate store, the first feature is blessed at the creator’s Sunday event in June, and a dedicated “partnership” inbox.

Affiliate stores are an extension of existing Facebook shopping features, which are widely available. But the latest version of the storege allows creators to link to products that are already part of their affiliate settings. The creator will get commission fees when followers they buy products from these shops (although exactly the provisions of this setting have not been detailed). The company said that for now the shopping feature will only be available for the creator who is part of the affiliate program.

Instagram also tested the new inbox features that he said would make it easier for brands to connect with the creator for sponsors. Instagram DMS will get a special part of “partnership” only for messages from the brand. The company said this would provide the messages “priority placement” and would allow them to pass the “request” section where the entered message was often lost.

Separately, this application works on tools to match brands with creators looking for sponsors. With tools, creators can identify the brands they are interested in working directly from the application. While the brand will be able to trace the creator that suits their needs based on factors such as age, gender and number of followers.

The tools are still in the early stages, with only a handful of companies and creators who participate for now. But the company previously signaled these features can develop significantly. Mark Zuckerberg said earlier this year that Instagram plans “branded content market” to help allow a bigger “middle class creator”.
